A Home Birthing Story – Ezekiel John

a home birth story

There’s just something about our boys. They like to stay nice and cozy inside my womb for longer than they’re expected to. So by now I simply expect a late baby.

Our first son was 9 days late. Being 9 days late with your first child is true torture. You’re so ready to meet the sweet little nugget and start your motherhood journey. But babies don’t care. They come when they’re ready to come, and I’ve learned that over and over again with each of our boys. Our second son was 5 days late. Our third was 3 days late. I’ve simply come to expect that my babies are going to be late. But seeing how the days were getting less and less with each babe, I figured we’d be pretty close to our due date with Ezekiel. So when my sisters started planning a trip to come meet their new nephew we all figured that even if he was late, surely he’d be here by the time they got here.

Ezekiel’s due date was Feb 5th and my sisters were scheduled to come down the 10th. When his due date came and went we began praying that he wouldn’t arrive until they arrived so that they could be here for his birth. Well they arrived and as the days quickly passed, their visit was coming to an end. Still no babe. We went on long walks, I climbed stairs, I even considered taking a castor oil brew that my midwife offered. Finally by the last full day of their visit I was even doing curb walking. Still no babe.

But then, at 4am on the morning my sisters were scheduled to leave, contractions started. I was so happy! But also knew that the likelihood of them being here for his birth was slim considering they had to leave to catch their flight in a few short hours. One way or another, I was going to meet this sweet little babe which made me thrilled.

My midwife arrived around 5:30am and let me know that his head still seemed to be a little higher than we would like it to be to really get things going. She suggested climbing the stairs so I got on it right away, resting during each contraction. After a couple flights of stairs though, I was done. It was hard work!

 My contractions were getting more intense and we drew a bath for me while Chris filled the birthing tub. I always have back labor and the hot water of a bath helps to ease the intensity a bit and gets me to somewhat relax.

My sisters began to come into the room as they knew things were picking up and one of my sisters even offered to grab my camera and take pictures. I’d always wanted a birth photographer for one of my births but never pulled the trigger to hire one. What a blessing to have her behind my camera to document this day, especially since we’re far from family now. It’s been so special to be able to share the images she took with our family and friends.

I think I lasted about 10 minutes in the bath and I was ready to get into the birthing tub. I could just tell, with the intensity of the contractions and the pressure I was feeling, that he wasn’t far off. By this time our boys began to trickle into the bedroom. We had discussed whether or not we wanted them to be a part of the birthing process and finally decided that if they wanted to be in the room, we’d be happy to have them. And having my sisters here to care for them, feed them, and read to them really freed up Chris to attend to me which was such a blessing.

A Home Birthing Story
A Home Birthing Story
A Home Birthing Story
A Home Birthing Story
A Home Birthing Story

Ezekiel John Cirullo was born at 8:05am. Just 10 minutes before my sisters had to leave for the airport. What an answer to prayers to have them be a part of his birth! I think I pushed 3 or 4 times and he was out. Chris was able to catch him and hand him to me. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

A Home Birthing Story
A Home Birthing Story

Asher came right over to meet him which was just the sweetest moment. Our sweet Solomon was crying in my sisters arms. Again, what a huge blessing to have them here to comfort and care for our boys. Our boys are so blessed by them.

A Home Birthing Story
A Home Birthing Story

We moved to the bed where the boys got to help Chris cut the cord once it was done pulsing and all the blood was out. We lay there and Ezekiel nursed for the first time. My sisters had to say goodbye which was such a bittersweet moment. After lots of skin to skin, he was weighed and measured. 7lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long. Perfection.

The boys were then ready to have their skin to skin time with him. All from the comfort of our bed. Birthing at home is just the most wonderful experience.

a home birth story
A Home Birthing Story

This was my second home birthing story and while I absolutely think everyone should be able to have a home birthing experience, I didn’t always feel this way. You can read more about that in our first home birthing story here: https://www.happyhealthyhavenly.com/noah-james-a-home-birthing-story/

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1 Comment

  • Carling 2 years ago Reply

    Such a sweet moment for your family and what a blessing to have your sisters there! From one fellow home-birthing momma to another, congrats!

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